If it is difficult to pay the damages in one single transaction, such damages may be paid by installments, provided that a guarantee is given. 一次性支付确有困难的,可以分期支付,但应当提供相应的担保。
We agree to pay for the equipment and technology by installments with the processing fees payable to us. 我们同意用我们的加工费来分期支付设备和技术的价款。
They're letting me pay for the washing machine by monthly installments. 他们让我按照每月还款的方式购买这台洗衣机。
"Because the car is expensive, you can pay by installments." “因为汽车价格昂贵,你可以以分期付款来支付。”
Pay attention to the country Comparing the payment by installments with payment by onetime 农业、农村、农民&关注农村对分期付款和一次性付款二种付款方式的比较